SGCC Leagues and Club Tournaments rely on sponsorship to add value for the Members and Guests who participate. In turn, leauges, tournaments, and events are an opportunity for Sponsors to support SGGC and gain business exposure.
Exposure includes website listings, lobby displays, and club emails.
- League sponsors are recognised during prize presentations and recaps at league nights.
- Additional exposure in tournament signage is included for select tournaments
- Logo/Banner ads on Golf Genius registratin and scoring portals where applicable
2024 sponsorship opportunities:
Tuesday Men’s Night: $500 - Weekly May-Sept drawing 100-120 players/night
Nightly sponsors (x2) receive preferred tee assignment and up to 3 complimentary guests with carts. Sponsors are recognised in newletters, lobby displays, online registration/scoring app, and during prize presentations.
*2024 Sponsorships Full
Wednesday Women’s Night: $250 - Weekly May-Sept drawing 40-60 players/night
Nightly sponsors (1-2) receive preferred tee assignment and 2 complimentary guests with carts. Sponsors are recognised in newletters, on lobby displays, and during prize presentations.
Spring Thaw: $500 - (May 27/28)
*2024 Sponsorships Full
Reliance Gregg’s Central Am: (June 29-July 1, up to 120 players)
Sponsors are on display throughout the event with 4’ x 3’ signage, online scoring ads, and receive a 50% discount on personal entry.
Member Guest: $500 - (July 11, up to 120 players)
Sponsors are on display throughout the event with 4’ x 3’ signage, online scoring ads, prizes presentations, and receive a 50% discount on team entry.
Club Championship: $750 - (July 20th & 21st, up to 120 players)
Partner’s Tournament: $500 - (Sept. 1-3, up to 120 players)
Sponsors (1 of 4 spots remaining) are on display throughout the event with 4’ x 3’ signage, online scoring ads, and receive a 50% discount on team entry.
Couple’s Classic: $500 - Sept. 11 for up to 72 players
Sponsors (several spots remaining) signage on display throughout the event with 4’ x 3’ signage, online scoring ads, and receive a 50% discount on team entry.
Frostbite: $500 - (Sept 23/24 for up to 120 players)
A big thanks to our returning sponsors. We so appreciate the names and logos that carry forward each year when we update our calendar, advertising displays, and event pages.
For those in our corporate categories, the cost of sponsorship is built into your there’s no additional cost. It’s just a matter of picking the event or league night that suits you and your schedule and your business. We look after the rest in signage (for club tournaments) or purchasing prizes and providing recognition at a league night. Each opportunity comes with a different perk in the form of complimentary golf or discounted entry fee, and advertising/exposure may vary slightly.
To get involved with any of these events, contact the office by phone (306-931-0022) or send and email to: [email protected] to request the event fits your interest.
Again, thank you for your support, and we look forward to working with you.
McLaren Taylor
General Manager